Medicinal flora used by the resident of the district of Huanchaco, La Libertad, Peru

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José Mostacero-León
Anthony J. De La Cruz-Castillo
José L. Flores Martin
Sheyla J. Marín Huamán


Peru, a megadiverse country, houses an extraordinary wealth of living species in general and of Flora in particular, used by man throughout its history as food, clothing, fuel, wood, among others; but above all to cure and / or alleviate their ailments and / or diseases; ancestral ethnobotanical wisdom, initially imparted by the "Hampicamayoc", "Oquetlupuc", "Sircac", persisting until today in the memory of the "healers" and "grandmothers"; but that unfortunately has been lost due to research was to carry out the inventory of the medicinal Flora, used by the resident of the District of Huanchaco, La Libertad, Peru; since it is important to reassess this ancestral knowledge about the correct and effective use of flora in the cure and / or relief of many diseases and / or ailments. 96 semi-structured interviews were applied, using the “snowball” technique; in order to gather information on the taxonomic characteristics: Family, Scientific and Common Name; as well as ethnomedicinal characters: part used, form of preparation and Medicinal uses. 44 species of medicinal plants are reported, distributed in 22 families and 42 genera; where the: Lamiaceae (5), Asteraceae (4), and Rutaceae (3), Poaceae (3) and Apiaceae (3), stand out for the number of species.

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