Correspondence analysis of multidimensional poverty in the districts of the province of santa, 2017
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The objective of this research work was to evaluate multidimensional poverty in the Province of Santa with the information from the 2017 National Household Survey, for which one of our 477 records was selected. Multidimensional poverty was assessed using the unsatisfied basic needs method: not poor (has all basic needs), regularly poor (at least does not have one basic need), poor (at least does not have two or three basic needs), extreme poverty (lives in difficult scenarios), being used as a cutoff point for the multidimensional poverty index> 5.446. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and Spearman's correlation were applied. 1.7 % were non-poor; 85.5 %, regularly poor; 12.4 % poor and 0.4 % in extreme poverty. There was no correlation between the education and health dimensions of the families, nor between the education and infrastructure well-being dimensions of the families in the province of Santa. There was a moderate correlation between dimensions education and wellbeing of services 0.567. The multidimensional poverty index was 5,446, classifying households as poor.
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