‘LIBERTAD FL’: New Irrigated rice cultivar for Venezuela

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Rosa Álvarez
Edicta Reyes
Neida Ramos
Elizabeth Valera
Edith Hernandez
Yunio Linarez
Marco Acevedo
Orlando Torres
Margelys Salazar
María Navas


As a result of the agreement INIA-FUNDARROZ, the rice variety LIBERTAD FL was developed, from a triple crossing carried out by the Latin American and Caribbean Fund for Irrigated Rice (FLAR) in 2002, using CT9162-12-6-. 2-2-1 / PANAMA1048 // FL00595-19P-8-1P-MM as parental lines. The main objective of this work was to describe the process for obtaining the cultivar and the general agronomic characteristics that distinguish the variety. The material arrived in Venezuela in the F5 stage, in the 2007 Nursery (VIOFLAR - RD 2007/57), being assessed by the INIA rice team in different environments located in Barinas, Portuguesa and Guárico locations, until 2011. The cultivar was registered by INIA in the SENASEM Agronomic Validation Tests (EVAC) during the dry cycle 2011-2012 under the code PN07V010, obtaining eligibility in 2014. This variety is characterized by having a semi-erect growth habit, average plant height of 121 cm, 50 % flowering of 86-89 days and a harvest cycle of 116-121 days. LIBERTAD FL has resistance to leaf blast, neck blast, scald and Helminthosporium, as well as tolerance to spotted rice grain. It is susceptible to hoja blanca virus and direct damage from Sogata. It has a high yield potential, greater than 9,000 kg / ha, consequence from good tillering, dense, compact panicles, 21-29 cm long, which can exceed 350 grains per panicle, fertile grains weighing a thousand dry seeds of 23.2 g. The grain generally without edges, or short edges if it appears. It has good milling and culinary grain quality, having a whole grain yield greater than 50 % and gypsum + white belly less than 17 %, with amylose of 29 %. The plant has tolerance to overturning, shelling and harvest delay.

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