Environmental technical feasibility of the final disposal of galvanic sludge in the manufacture of refractory bricks

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Héctor Eduardo Sánchez Vargas


Caring for the environment and avoiding the effects produced by pollutants and hazardous wastes promoted as the objective of this work to evaluate the technical and environmental feasibility of the final disposal of galvanic sludge in the manufacture of refractory bricks. Among the materials and methods, the following were applied tests on galvanic sludge samples applying atomic absorption spectrometry; the alternative was selected considering good practices and the proximity of the generating source - final destination; From the environmental point of view, it was evaluated with a leaching test within the framework of an experimental design determining hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). Technically, the evaluation started from the technological design for the application of the sludge disposal alternative. Compliance with the quality requirements of the refractory brick was measured: compression resistance and percentage of water absorption. Mathematical models were adjusted for each of these variables using the Curve Fitting tool of the MATLAB software. It was concluded that the final disposal of galvanic sludge in the mixture for the manufacture of refractory bricks is technically and environmentally viable; the bricks manufactured with the determined sludge concentrations will meet the quality requirements demanded by the company; the mathematical model obtained demonstrated the ability to determine the compressive strength as a function of the sludge concentration and the firing temperature; with a concentration of up to 4 %, it is guaranteed that the brick is safe and that during its firing, gases with the presence of Cr6+ are not generated.

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